Well, weekends are for brewing in SGT Stout's house. This one was for moving product. I have given 4 bottles of my recently finished Glen Coe Octoberfest Ale out, and am awaiting critique. I know there are a few off tastes, and you can really taste the burnt malt, but in a good way. The hops are mellow, with a hint of floral and spice. Good thick head, which will retain over aging. A caramel color and finish accent an otherwise flawless, light bodied fall ale.
The German quartermaster brought back a sweet score from Deutchland. A rack of gasket top (think Grolsch) 16 oz (1 Pint) bottles. Another is en route. These will make a perfect complement to the Oatmeal Hefe that is conditioning as I post!.
Also in the works is a recipe from EdWort, for a German style Apfelwein. Its easy:
5 gallons of 100% Apple Juice
2 lbs dextrose
1 packet Montrachet (5g) dry yeast.
This will be ready in about 3 weeks. Just in time for the tasting party! (Hefe, Oktoberfest, Apfelwein) Looks like we will be having the German fests in America, a month early!
Next weekend, there is a CentexBOCK meeting in Cove, at Giovannis, Sat at 1800. Sunday, I will be brewing a Sweet Stout for She Who Must Be Obeyed. She had one at Draught House, and fell in love. Imagine, Mrs Stout, is a Stout-frau!
I'd be careful with the "stout" moniker when referring the females.
Off topic on this post, but you're Raging Mom shared that you'll be headin' back to the sand box.
Good luck, stay focused and come home safe and sound.
We're prayin' for you.
Oh crap - that's a differnt id on that Just Me post....
It's just Tammi!!!
how did the oatmeal hefe work out?
I'm brewing a bavarian style hefe soon and was thinking about steeping some kind of grains.
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